day 8

the first week (of project)

a day in the office!  we sat down today to yarn and break down the projects that we've got for secondment.  and you know what, I am feeling pretty great about what I have to do and how tough the road ahead is - bring on the challenge (this may be naïve overconfidence, so let's check back in on week 5/day 31 me and see how that peanut is doing).

moving on.   what I kept coming back to today was the people who've helped to get me here, physically to this place and in this secondment, but also emotionally and intellectually here:
- some of them know how much they've added to my person: what they've taught me, how they've shaped me and how much their love has made me a better person. 
- and then there are the ones who don't know how they've changed me: either because they aren't in my life anymore or because they can't see this journey (and this Nikki) take shape. 

for those in the first category THANK YOU!  I hope you know who you are. 

and to those in the second category: I feel like you left my life path with a little piece of me.  I hope that keeps you in good company, because I miss that piece, but I will continue to give of myself to the people that come through my life and give me bants, hugs, laughs and wise words.

ok, so many feels for today's bloggo post, but that's what you get.