day 11

and then there was hope

when Pandora opened that box (well, actually it was a jar, but for now let's go with the box), and finally got it closed, they said that the only evil that remained was hope.

Nietsche went on to say that hope was "in reality the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man". (Pretty down kinda fellow, wasn't he?)

Sitting here in Hope Vale, I can't help but wonder whether hope is a trap; as if opening Pandora's box isn't the problem but that the problem is what is left inside.  hope is there to torment us, to extend our suffering.  or, should I be thinking that it is hopelessness that's the bigger evil?

I've been running this through my mind the last few days, turning it over, and trying to hear what my wise mind really thinks about hope.  and you know what?  I think that to hope is to live.

in the absence of hope, people engage in gossip and opposition rather than taking action.  and hopelessness manifests itself in a kind of pathological conservatism, preventing any chance of using what you have for potential benefit (for the hopeless, even love is stifled or rejected entirely - something I've seen first-hand, my frands).

I'm not saying that pure wishing is something to put faith in, because I think that the little girl inside me who wishes away all her woes (in that hope that some higher power will 'fix it') is doing a particularly terrible job (also, put that chocolate down, please).  instead of wishing, she could have hope that combines her high expectations with my strong actions - now that will get both of us to where we dream of being!

and I see that happening here.  I see the people in Hope Vale living that kind of life - living their best life - by putting their faith and efforts into their dreams and passions, and pulling it off.  that gives me hope that the little girl inside me can be her own messiah rather than sit around waiting to be saved.  we could all learn from the people here.

so, on that note, let's open up the last remnants of Pandora's box and let hope get amongst us, eh?